Advertising and Listing Policy for the IPA Website, News Magazine, E. Newsletter, Congress and Roster
Note: A ‘listing’ is a brief informative entry, usually within a similar list of alphabetical entries (e.g. for events, journals etc), edited by the IPA and over which the originator has no editorial control. See IPA Membership Handbook and Roster 2006 pages 35 – 42 for an example of such listing.
1. Policy on the appropriate content of advertisements:
a) Paid-for advertisements in the printed News Magazine and printed Roster
As IPA Trust Ltd is a UK company, all adverts and material enclosed with mailings or given away at Congresses in delegate packs or on stands managed by the IPA or by other parties shall conform with the UK Advertising Standards Authority’s ‘Code of Advertising’ key principles:
All advertisements should be legal, decent, honest and truthful. (No misleading claims, no gratuitous images liable to cause offence).
All advertisements should be prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers and to society. (No advocacy of violence or anti-social behaviour).
All advertisements should respect the principles of fair competition generally accepted in business. (No advertisements denigrating rival disciplines).
Additionally, no advertisement shall be accepted from an Organisation, the aims of which are inimical to those of the IPA or to the practice of psychoanalysis as carried out by its members. No advertisement shall be accepted from an Organisation which advocates training programmes or standards for psychoanalysis which do not meet the IPA’s minimum standards for training or treatment.
b) Free listing on the IPA Website/in the E-Newsletter
Items, events and products, such as books and journals, will only be accepted for free listing in the E-Newsletter or on the Website if:
They refer to an activity organized by a Constituent Organisation, Study Group or Allied Centre, or
They refer to an activity organized by a not-for-profit Organisation with whom the IPA is already in co-operation, e.g. the Anna Freud Centre or the Association for Child Psychoanalysis, or
They refer to activities likely to be of professional interest to a significant number of members.
The Website will list new publications by members and Journals published by IPA Constituent Organisations. Thus no additional free listing of such items will be allowed. Paid-for listing of such products will be accepted provided that they conform to the advertising guidelines above and that the appropriate charge is paid (see 2 below).
c) IPA Congresses
Panels, posters and other materials displayed at Congress venues must adhere to the UK Advertising Standards Authority’s ‘Code of Advertising’ key principles as listed above.
2. Charges for Advertising and Policy on which Organisations May Advertise
a) News Magazine
IPA Constituent Organisation events and announcements are listed at no charge.
Regional Editors may at their discretion accept listings from Organisations within 1.b) above.
Other advertisers are charged at the appropriate rate.
b) Roster
IPA Constituent Organisation Journals are listed at no charge. Publishers and specialist retailers of psychoanalytic literature are listed at no charge at the IPA’s discretion. Should such a publisher or retailer wish to purchase an advertisement within the Roster they may do so at the IPA’s discretion at the normal commercial rate. Advertisements for other products or services are charged at the appropriate rate. IPA Constituent Organisations wishing to advertise their events or services will be offered a reduction.
c) Website
Publications: Books recently published by Members will be listed at no charge.
Publishers will be charged for advertising publications on or related to psychoanalysis; publications on other topics will not be accepted.
Events: Events organised by IPA Constituent Organisations are listed at no charge. Commercial events within the psychoanalytic sphere may be accepted for listing at a charge. No other events will be accepted for listing.
Banner advertisements: A policy on banner advertisements will be developed.
d) Electronic Newsletter
The Regular E-Newsletter will list forthcoming events organised by IPA Constituent Organisations and announcements as space allows.
Regional Editors may at their discretion accept listings from Organisations within 1.b) above without making a charge.
Other advertisers are charged at the appropriate rate.
3. Referral Process on Acceptability
The Head of Membership Services will refer advertising requests to the Editor of the News Magazine or the Chair of the Website Committee as appropriate, and to the Executive Director if he/she believes they may be inadmissible under the guidelines above. If the Head of Membership Services, Editor or the Executive Director feel others should be consulted, including the Vice President, then this will follow, and decisions on excluding advertisements will be referred to the Executive Committee.
Change Log
Final wording approved by the Board by e.mail March 2006
Replaced the term “Secretary General” with “Vice President” throughout – approved by the Board April 2014.
*This change record is for background information only and does not form part of the Procedural Code. If there is any conflict between a statement in the Procedural Code and a statement in this change record, the change record will be disregarded.