Procedures for the Election of the Three Representatives to serve on the Executive Committee of the IPA

1. The following procedures determine how the three Representatives shall be elected by the Board.  Rule 7, Section B of the IPA's Rules reads as follows:

Executive Committee of the Board.

(1) Composition.  The Executive Committee of the Board consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer and three Representatives (one (1) from each Geographical Area).  These three Representatives are elected by the Board to serve, at the Board’s pleasure, terms of up to two years, a maximum of two consecutive terms.  The duration of these terms must match the terms for which they were elected to serve as Representatives on the Board. 

2. The IPA’s Legal Counsel has advised that the wording ‘are elected by the Board’ means that all members of the new Board should vote for each Representative to serve on the Executive Committee.

3. Following the biennial IPA elections to the Board and the announcement of results, which is anticipated to be in June of the Congress year, the Vice President (or his/her designee) shall email each of the 7 Representatives-Elect from each region, requesting those from each region to nominate by a majority vote one or more of their number to stand as a member of the new Executive Committee.  The Representatives shall be given a reasonable time by which they should reply to the Vice President and must confirm that the nominated Representative/s is/are prepared to serve on the Executive Committee if elected by the Board.  In the event that the Representatives in any region fail to nominate a candidate, or fail to respond by the announced deadline set by the Vice President, the matter shall be referred to the new Board at its first meeting for resolution.

4. On receipt of replies to this request, the Vice President (or his/her designee) shall conduct a secret email ballot of all 24 prospective voting members of the new Board, those who will be voting members of the new Board when it convenes after the forthcoming Business Meeting.  This ballot will show all those Representatives-Elect nominated by the Representatives from each region and prepared to stand as a member of the new Executive Committee.  All 24 prospective voting members of the new Board may vote for one Representative only from each of the IPA's three Regions.  A Representative may vote for him or herself.  The President (or President-Elect in a Presidential changeover year) may choose not to vote at this stage.  The ballot shall be conducted within a reasonable period of time which the Vice President (or his/her designee) shall announce in advance in order to give warning to the prospective voting members of the new Board.  To be elected to the Executive Committee, Representatives must secure a majority of the entire voting membership of the Board, ie at least 13 of the 24 Board votes.  Following the secret email ballot by the Board and only in order to secure the required number of votes (13 of the 24 Board votes), the President (or President-Elect in a Presidential changeover year) may cast his/her vote if he/she has not already done so in the secret ballot.
5. The Vice President will announce the results of the secret email ballot to the current and future Boards without delay after the final date for receipt of ballots.

6. During the first new Board meeting, the Board will request any region which has not been able to nominate a candidate for Representative to the Executive Committee to do so, and a secret ballot will be conducted during the meeting.  To be elected to the Executive Committee, Representatives must secure a majority of the entire voting membership of the Board, ie at least 13 of the 24 Board votes.

7. Alternatively, during the first new Board meeting, the Board will request the Representatives from regions where no candidate has secured a majority of the entire voting membership of the Board, ie at least 13 or the 24 Board votes, to nominate further Representatives for ballot, and a secret ballot will be conducted during the meeting.  This procedure shall continue until a Representative secures a majority of the entire voting membership of the Board, ie at least 13 of the 24 Board votes.

8. Representatives so elected will serve on the Executive Committee for a term of two years.  Any Representative re-elected to the Board for a second term of two years must be re-elected according to the above procedures if he or she is to serve on the Executive Committee for a further two years.


Change Log

Original procedures approved by Executive Council January 2003
Revised by Board of Representatives November 2004
Replaced the term “Secretary General” with “Vice President” throughout – approved by the Board April 2014


*This change record is for background information only and does not form part of the Procedural Code. If there is any conflict between a statement in the Procedural Code and a statement in this change record, the change record will be disregarded.